Monday, March 31, 2008


Every year there is the performance appraisal that people dread ... or love.

It's the time when you bullshit your boss with all your "triumphs" and turn your weaknesses into strengths. I quite enjoy this actually, cos I love making myself look damn good in my job. Heh. Not that I am not, but i welcome praises and compliments anytime. Fyi, I have always been getting good reviews with all my bosses so far and I plan to stay this way.

Problem-solving and decision making

Oh, I am fantastic at this. To resolve the problem of being stuck in traffic jams every morning for 40 min, I made the conscious decision of sleeping in till 8am, then getting out of the house only at 8.50am. Instead of spending 50min per trip, I now spend only 35min getting to the office. Which means, I save 15min everyday. Never mind the fact that i am late for work by 1hr 45min.

Understanding Business

I understand that our business is doing so well ... that almost everyone in the office (globally) got an iPod Touch or iPod Nano ... except me and the rest dealing with this particular group of products that we deal with. Reason being, the money should be put to better use like investing in the opening of a new plant thus generating more jobs for us so that we'll become so important that we're irreplaceable to Da Company.

Coaching and Development

I tried to develop my colleague's social skills by bringing them to Zouk, getting high and playing guessing games. Not that I succeeded, but I've tried nonetheless.

Openness to Change

Instead of ordering the usual lunch box for lunch meetings, I ordered Subway instead.

Interpersonal sensitivity

I don't make fun of fat or ugly people in my team. Only the fat and ugly ones.


Saturday, March 15, 2008

A present for me

Despite several hints that I've dropped on my blog, there has been no generous friends who are willing to sponsor me a digital cam. You stingy asses.


People really gotta depend on themselves for the things that they want.

Fortunately for me, I won a little something at the lucky draw during the Dinner & Dance last week. No, I didn't win the camera, but I got a wine cellar which I managed to exchange for a digital camera. Of course, I top up with another 120 bucks which is still a pretty good deal.

So I got myself a handy little Pentax. I know Pentax is like some old brand,but the difference between the pics taken by the Pentax and the Casio or the Canon, for that matter, is really great. Oh, I forgot to mention my motivation for the digital cam is my upcoming trip to the land down under.

This trip will take place in April and I'll be sharing lotsa pics of Cairns and Melbourne on this blog after my trip. I shall secretly try to take some pics of babes that I see on the beaches, so stay tuned.

And to tommy, I dunno what is up with Sibeh Sian. He has MIA for a long time. Maybe finally trampled to death by people he has irritated. Heh.