Thursday, September 28, 2006

Something given or demanded in repayment, especially punishment.
Punishment by God
A justly deserved penalty
Bad Kharma

That's right. And when retribution comes, it usually demands repayment with sky high interest.

Like when you parked your car at Serangoon Gardens becos you want to eat at Chomp Chomp and you returned to find your car covered almost entirely with (bird) shit. Literally.

Or it'll creep up quietly from behind you and suddenly bites you in the ass.

You think you have gotten away with not displaying parking coupons for the longest time until you received the annoying red notices. Several in a row.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am sad to announce my retribution, is now here.

I am sure you all know that for the longest period of time, I've always had an easy time at work. From my job after poly graduation to my first job after uni to my last job, I had always been dedicating a sufficient amount of time to the internet (during working hours).

You see, I believe in giving back wat I have earned to society. So by surfing more, it justifies the massive amount of pop-up ads and spam you get everyday and the economy is progressing and people are earning more money and there will be less poor people and everyone is happy and blah blah blah ...

But now, the due amount of time not spent on work has come to claim its revenge with interest piled up over the years. I am stuffed with work.

If I am a condom, you will think I am a bloody hot-air balloon.

If I am a roasted turkey on a Thanksgiving table, you will think that I have been stuffed with ten other turkeys with stuffing inside.

My work is like breast milk. It never stops flowing (as long as someone keeps sucking).

I feel like a potato. My body is whipped and my brain is fried.


That's it. I need to wake up at bloody 6.30am so that I can reach work at bloody 7.30am so that I can buy myself more time, without having to pick up fucking annoying phone calls and reading haunting emails, to do real work.

Goodnight. I hope you all get your retribution too =D


Blogger Green Ogre said...

Er you er bao, shan you shan bao, ru guo bu bao, zhi shi shi chen wei dao.


You wish bad karma on others, no wonder kena jialat jialat now. :P

10:54 AM  
Blogger Sunflower said...

I have mine too. I have a bloody hell senior!

11:46 AM  
Blogger Zhe Bin said...

More like 风水轮流转. First Ogre, then now you mah. You must 太极 it to someone else.

2:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Answering calls is so annoying.

So usually after 6pm I will plug both ears firmly with music and ignore all telephone calls.

I mean, come on! Do ot already very frustrating, still have to bother me more! *points middle finger*

11:52 PM  
Blogger Adrenaline said...

ogre: oei, u shut up hor. I get this feeling u will kena shit again also.

sunflower: i have a wonderful senior. But my work is crazy =(

zhebin: ok ok, u teach me how.

kanigi: haha... luckily for me, i dun get the phone calls after office hours. That is the time when i can finally do some real work.

12:48 PM  
Blogger Sibeh Sian said...

Aha! Heaven is not blind after all :D! Heh.

Anyway, I is also sibeh sian because Monday is here again. Walau!

12:23 AM  
Blogger Sibeh Sian said...

Walau, you really sibeh busy hor :P?

House warming when one??!??!?!

12:16 PM  

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