Tuesday, March 28, 2006


i watched "Saw II" last weekend. Yeah, i know it's been out a few months ago but I can't keep giving my money to GV, Eng Wah or Cathay. So i watched it on VCD.

Somehow, I think the psychotic killer is briliant. Imagine designing and actually coming up with a venus-fly-trap looking lock that works on a timer and if you don't dig out the key from your own eye (which the killer implanted in) in the stipulated time, it will snap and crush your entire skull.

Absolutely brilliant.

If i am a killer who decides to punish those who doesn't treasure their lives (e.g. junkies), I would throw these people into a hole filled with syringes, so that they will keep getting jabbed while searching for the one syringe filled with the "good stuff". No wait, the killer already did that. Except instead of a syringe with heroine, he left a key at the bottom of the thousands of syringes which would unlock the escaping door for the victims.

Here's a thought: If you were to find yourself in the below situation, what would you do?

You woke up in a run-down and dirty room to find your mom and your wife/girlfriend/love of your life beside you. Both of them are chained on their wrists and ankles.

You see a tape recorder in the middle of the room and when you played it, the voice advised you that the key to unlock the chains is in the stomach of one of the women. Problem is, you don't know which one. But you do have a penknife to help you find out.

Now there is a time limit to finding the key. If you can't find the key in five minutes to unlock the other, the chain will snap, slicing away the four limbs of both women.

If you decide to sacriface one woman, and you're lucky to find the key and unlock the chain in time, the other women whose stomach you just cut open will die not just from the pain of an exposing stomach, but also severed limbs.

If you open up the stomach of one of them, and can't find the key, you're as good as killing the two of them.

Now, what would you do? Who would you choose to sacrifice?

Don't gimme that kind of crap where you say you won't save anyone of them. Bear in mind, that a woman's screams can be deafening. Not to mention two. And the heartache will leave you haunted for life.

hehe. I know im sick.


Blogger Unknown said...

erm... i will either
a) kill myself with the penknife, or
b) toss a coin to see who gets cut up by me in search of the elusive key.


6:58 PM  
Blogger Green Ogre said...

Watched the first SAW but didnt manage to catch the second.'You're right. He is bloody evil, though you cannot but help applaud how clever he is. And the situations do come from the context of each loser's life.

I would probably go wife first then mother. If I do get out, I would set about hunting down the bastard for as long as I draw breath.

7:39 PM  
Blogger Sibeh Sian said...

Start thinking about what I'm gonna do with the insurance money :)

12:01 AM  
Blogger Adrenaline said...

ensui: No, coins or dices are not provided. besides, there wouldn't be time for u to toss the coin. Doesn't that make it more exciting?

ogre: Yes, he's absolutely brilliant. But i think it's also the making of such movies that spurs the pp of their nation to commit hedious and unthinkable acts.

heh. that is, if you do get out =)

i lend u the VCD tomorrow when we meet up lah.

sibeh sian: very optimistic.

your writing is very familiar leh! hehe .... Ms Tan. hmm ... don't i know her from somewhere?

11:20 AM  
Blogger Zhe Bin said...

I think what I'll do is erase the tape and record something like this:

"Hey dude, I don't know if you're listening to this but I've got the whole house wired. If you don't fucking release both, Imma blow all of us up. By the time you finish hearing this you've got less than 30 secs left. 29 now."

Haha but I think he'd be clever enough not to be around the place lah.

But seriously if you ask me hor, I will ask the two women to quit screaming and fucking tell me where the key is. I will threaten to cut up both if neither speaks up. Muahaha. Then I will see their different reactions and take the necessary measures. Omg I love this question Adrienne.

Hahaha okay this time really serious ah, I will cut up neither lah. Really. Because I know first aid. Even if their limbs come off and bleed I can do with some bandaging. At least neither will die. Cutting up any one of them will result in death. I believe in peace. (^.^)

And not bowing down to intimidations. Heh.

11:30 PM  
Blogger Adrenaline said...

bin: ok, for the recording part, u sound a bit like the psycho killer. hahah ... but if the killer is gonna do something like that, i believe he doesn't fear dying.

and u took an option that was not given. how clever ^_^

i didn't even think of that when i wrote this. i juz thot we'll all die together. so i'd better start praying to God to forgive all my sins. heh :P

1:01 AM  
Blogger eZeR. said...

u r kinda sick.. lolz. ;)

2:18 PM  

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