Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Adventure of the Creepy Crawly

Scenario: In a black Toyota Corolla
Characters: Me, Mr BF, MR USA and Little Miss Petite
Time: 2am, Sunday
Setup: MR USA was driving, with MR BF beside him. Little Miss Petite and Me on the back seat.

After 10 minutes of driving ....

Mr USA : Shit, I think there's a cockroach in my car


Little Miss Petite and Me : Hahahahahahah ....

MR USA : It's on the dashboard a while ago. I dunno where it is now.

MR BF: How come you have cockroaches in your car?!

MR USA : I think because I put food in my car once. The cockroaches just started breeding. Anyway, there is just one. I think I've seen it before.

Me : So, it's your pet then. *sniggers*

Mr USA : No lah, it's not my pet. And it's a very small one only. (it's a baby cockroach)


Mr USA : Shit. I think it's above my head.

Mf BF : *disgusted look*

Little Miss Petite and Me : HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!

Mr USA was trying to concentrate on driving whilst looking out for the cockroach. A few minutes went by and he was getting nervous from not being able to find the pest.

Mr USA : S**ron (refering to Little Miss Petite), HEEEELLLPPP ........

Little Miss Petite : Where is it? Hahahahahah .....

A couple more minutes later, the car stopped and Little Miss Petite alighted. Mr USA was trying to fend for himself with the little pest hiding in the corner of the lid above his head.

Mr USA : *frantic* eeeeehhhhhh .... I can't find it lehhhh .....

I grabbed a piece of tissue and leaned forward to search for the teeny weeny little cockroach which is supposedly hiding above Mr USA's head.

Mr USA, couldn't take the pressure and was worried that the cockroach may drop on top of his head, literally leapt out of the car, followed closely by Mr BF.

So there I was, left in the car alone, searching for the little pest. Though it was relatively dark, I managed to spot the tiny creepy crawly at the corner of the overhead lid. However, I left a little bit of stain as i crushed its little body against the lid.

It measured .... 0.50cm in length and 0.30cm in width.

Me : Okie. Got it.

Mr BF : *BIG smile*

Mr USA : Yaaaay ....... *goofy smile*

The two boys, assured that the deed was well taken care of, got into the car and we continued our journey home.


What is it with men/guys/boys and cockroaches?????


Blogger Ang Ku Kueh said...

u should see A react when he sees a lizard...

4:49 PM  
Blogger barneysaurus said...

Holy Macaroni :D!!!! I think I'll get freaked out too, keke.... You're so brave, I'm proud of you. *Beams* Anyway, they say putting pandan leaves in car can drive the pest away, because they dun like to eat pandan cakes.

To AKK: Lizards are like, evil can? They evolved from T-Rexes :D!

9:58 PM  
Blogger Green Ogre said...

Heh, funny story. Yup, you should try what Barney says. Alternatively, don't eat in the car!

9:49 AM  
Blogger Adrenaline said...

AKK: erm ... no comments to that cos im terrfied of lizards!

but it really is very farnie to see the supposed macho men being terrified of little things. hahaha ...

barney: hahah! another one afraid of cockroaches.

and u dun put stupid comments in my blog can? cockroaches dun like to eat pandan cakes?! how much more lame/stupid can u get?!

And lizards are not evil. They're juz rubbery gross. Very gross.

Ogre: It wasn't my car. But frankly i avoid bringing food into my car after this.

I think it's the pandan smell that drives them away. Maybe i shld try durian. Can keep more pests away :P

10:33 AM  
Blogger Zhe Bin said...

Erm.. I get freaked out by cockroaches too. So.. you are one hell of a Hua Mu Lan okay. I mean, cockroaches are dirty and they are disgusting?? I catch bugs like beetles and other insects but I've never dared to touch a roach. Yucks.

And I tell you it gets worse when that dirty pest starts to fly. Urgh. I cannot imagine it flapping its wings in my face. AHHHHH.

P.S: But o.3 by 0.5 is still within my ability lah. = X

4:44 PM  
Blogger Adrenaline said...

zhebin: haha!!! you are juz like Mr BF and Mr USA!!! They both hate flying roaches and squirmed at the sight/thought/mention of them. hahahah ....

Yes, 0.3 to 0.5 is really tiny. Which is why the "leaping" out of the car is a total over-reaction.

5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha, must be after the Subaru hands on right? Besides TSWH, there's MTTB & STWL? Ha ha, so funny!

How come so funny incident now then talk abt it? Shld've shared the corny story earlier so we can rib that twerpy little Dickhead!


8:31 PM  
Blogger Adrenaline said...

gabby: cos i almost forgot about it. and u are very shen hor? u even know STWL's full name? I only know S .... heh ....

and yah, it was after the subaru team challenge.

3:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tat's bcos my dear gal, God gave everyone 5 senses to "sense" the world around us & a huge brain capacity to use. Unfortunately most ppl I know omit to use them fully (incl myself on some occasions)!

For e.g., try observing things other than the email contents 1st, like the headers, footers etc & you learn as much, if not more than me! Just a gentle tip!


10:49 PM  

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