Friday, November 18, 2005

On Public Humuliation...

According to Mediacorp, the "Idol" fever is back. In my humble opinion, it was never gone. After "Singapore Idol", there was "Superstar - 绝对SuperStar " by Channel U, with "Superhost - 超级主持人" and "Star Idol - 明星偶像" by Channel 8 up and coming. I am so goddamn sick of all these idol and superstar shows. There is not one day when I can turn on the TV and not see a publicity ad for one of these shows.

These people who eagerly sign up for these shows .... what are they after? Forget those who make it to Top Ten and get to go on national TV to compete. What about those who don't? Has anyone seen the commercial for Superhost? I don't know if the word, "Pathetic" or "Contemptible" is more appropriate to describe the participants. But they sure make me feel better about myself.

Why? Why do people want to publicly humuliate themselves? Hey, it's a totally different thing when I tell people what a sweet, beautiful and amazing person that I am on my blog. It's MY blog and I don't put up nauseating pics of myself to disgust my readers. I'm sure everyone thinks they sound like Jacky Cheung or Stephanie Sun in the shower, but to want to tell people what a fantastic "singer", "host" or "star" you are in public, when you simply cannot make it is ..... repulsive. You be lucky if you don't end up with stab wounds when you get home at night.

Now, many Singaporeans have gone crazy for stardom and I bet the rejects for one star show will sign up for the other star shows (and be rejected again, of course). If your purpose is money, bear in mind we don't produce a lot of Kit Chans or Fann Wongs here. You're better off trying your luck at the Singapore Turf Club.

These star shows have annoyed me greatly and I have chosen to ignore them. That is, until I saw Mediacorp's ad for "School Superstar - 校园SuperStar".

We've got enough idling early twenties (or maybe thirties) who scrambled for every opportunity to achieve fame. Now, our secondary school teenages are being lured into the "wonderful world of stardom" when they should be enjoying themselves in school (which is one of the best times of your life). To make things worse, it was a criteria that interested applicants go for the interview in their school uniform.

It's like Japanese porn. Which is totally sick. I bet if this show is aired in Japan, our number of inbound tourists will increase dramatically.

I don't like the influence of our media on our people. If I have a choice, I don't ever wanna raise kids here. Either that, or no TV in my home.


Blogger barneysaurus said...

Actually, they reached those pre-primary kids like ages ago already: The An Pei Na competitions on Pu Wei Zhi Ye, muahaha :D!

9:17 PM  
Blogger Green Ogre said...

Actually I don't even bother to watch those shows. I agree with you, it's getting ridiculous. The thing is: there's a sucker born every minute. (Actually, we seem to have 2 born every minute in Singapore, which is quite scary considering our small population.)

So there are enough suckers watching these shows and spending their money on sms-es to keep on supporting such shows. Well, I really can't comment on how good the shows are, but I'd much rather watch animals frolicking in the wild on Discovery or news of more marines getting killed on BBC. Otherwise, I can always fall back on the internet or watch my DVDs. You know, stuff that doesn't strike me as so much drivel.

By the way, I like this post. Got a lot of angst and you picked a nice topic. I've always enjoyed slamming some of the dumb things in life. Good clean fun. Grins.

1:34 PM  
Blogger Adrenaline said...

barney: Yeah i know, the an pei na contests but it's not as large a scale as these stoopid superstar shows mah. i feel pissed juz turning on the tv and seeing yet another superstar shows with those superstar wannabes.

ogre: yes, you are right. i was very pissed when writing this post.

and yes, i would prefer to tune in to Discovery but since i have cable at home, i get my share of fun by making fun of those loser superstar wannabes.

11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha, you seem to share my exact sentiments despite you seeming to be on the far left liberal wing (in terms of values, compared to conservative old me) anyway!

I also worry abt my kids when they grow up, but then, since you're getting married earlier than me, I dun have to start worrying till later!!

Lord Gabz

10:57 PM  

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