Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I did it

I was late for the marathon, cos I overslept by half hour. Actually I got there at 6.30 when the race for the 21km was supposed to start but due to the hordes of sweaty men at the starting point, I couldn't get a headstart until the 10km for men did.

So I started running at 7am.

You know how people always talk about the light at the end of the tunnel? You run, and see the end of the road, and you think, "Okay, I'm just gonna U-Turn at the end, and I'll be making me way to the finishing point." ==> LIGHT

But there was no light. Hell, at the end of the tunnel, it was just another tunnel. And after that, it was another tunnel. And another tunnel ==> DARKNESS

I experienced several surges of temptations whenever I see fellow marathoners on the other side of the road where they're already heading back (note: i was late, not that i was slow). So many times, I was hoping to see some familiar face so that I can pretend to stop and chit-chat and make my way back with them without being noticed by the officials.

But, I persevered. Mainly because I didn't want to deal with the shame that i didn't complete what I had signed up for: 21.1 KM.

Besides, I had the company of a lovely boy who was not only entertaining but motivating as well. Throughout the way, we asked ourselves why we had signed up for something so torturing, which was only made more so on a Sunday morning. Yet, we joked and laughed and made the run much more easier for each other. Of course, we ran into Sian along the way and I went on for a long while on what a loser Sian is, to my companion.

After 15km, I was on the verge of giving up, particularly with the blisters that had surfaced and I had to turn to another motivating source: Food.

N.B. The bananas given along the way were not considered food.

The only thing that came to my mind was Mac's Big Breakfast. Yes, I realised it was not only pathetic, but loser-ish to think of food as a form of motivation (think Sibeh Sian). So I kept thinking of how much I wanted to eat the scrambled eggs and such to keep myself going. It worked a little. Only a little, i think. heh.

I finished the run after 3 hours 40minutes or so, and was too late for breakfast cos i couldn't get to the carpark in time to fetch my wallet to buy the breakfast. I was left totally pissed cos i had to settle for KFC which is Sian's favourite food.

At the point where I was running the last kilometre, my companion asked me, "Would you sign up again next year?" I said no way, I'm just gonna do it this once.

But now that i think about it, I think I might do it again next year. Maybe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

do u have a thing for sian?? his name keeps appearing on almost every parag. in fact i've been thinking u must be imagining sian while typing this. and smirking along?? ^__^

not that i care though. it's just that u r going to walk the aisle soon, might as well clearing up yr conscience first.

congrats for finishing the run. not everyone can do it, u know.

a caring reader

9:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats on finishing the run! I took the same amount of time to finish my 10km Walk... you are my hero-ine.

4:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha. I would definitely sign up for the run the next time round. ; ) Even though every now and then I think of how difficult it was to get up from our seats after the run, I really enjoyed it.

10:46 AM  
Blogger Sibeh Sian said...

To all: Indeed, Adrenaline has the hots for me. Heh heh heh :D

Anyway, congrats on a job well done :D! I think it's time to challenge yourself and go for the full 42km next year :)

11:25 AM  
Blogger Sunflower said...

Well Done!

Toopid sian, you so THICK SKIN here!

1:21 PM  
Blogger Green Ogre said...

Congratulations on completeing it. I wouldn't do it again because once is enough for me.

And yes, you proved me wrong. You rock.

9:08 AM  
Blogger sÞ¡ηηєє said...

over my dead body i'll go for such marathon. ahahah

11:34 AM  
Blogger Adrenaline said...

anonymous: thanks for being a caring reader.

but i have to say that i feel so insulted when u say that i have the thing for sian. his name only appear a couple of times wat. and it's becos i want to insult him.

gracie: err ... my target was 2.5hours but i took an hour longer to complete.

zhebin: definitely?? let's see how come u slack after u've been posted first lah. hahah ...

sian: if i sign up for the 42km, it's only becos i want to trip u over so that u can fall flat on ur face. haha ...

sunflower: thank u.

u dunno he is so thick-skin one meh?? i think he's got skin on him only, no flesh or bone one. oh, that explains him not having any backbone. and of cos he's got lotsa fats as well (fm the KFC).

ogre: yes, part of my motivation comes from not wanting to be jeered at by you. haha ...

spinnee: aiyah, everything muz try once.

1:25 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

well done! *standing ovation* :D

seems like everyone went for the marathon except me. must be good to feel all those endorphins pumping through your body. :)

8:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*wave pom pom* yayyyy!!!!! hooray!!!!


10:51 AM  

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